Geometry is coming

10:53 Veronika Rajničová 2 Comments

What have fashion and interior design trends in common this season? That´s right! It´s geometry. Encourage yourself into bright colours and eye-catching patterns. One piece is enough. One outstanding wall combined with furniture of neutral colour, or reversaly, is the right key.
Čo majú túto sezónu spoločné móda a trendy v interiérovom dizajne? Správne! Je to geometria. Odvážte sa a stavte na výrazné farby a vzory. Jeden kúsok a dosť. Jedna tapeta kombinovaná s neutrálnym nábytkom a naopak. Kľúč k úspechu je v rovnováhe.

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Inspiration no.1

04:14 Veronika Rajničová 0 Comments

shipping container/alternative house/interior/home

shipping container/alternative house/exterior

Container houses. For some it may be insanity, for other an original place for living. This cozy and cheap masterpiece is from Poteet Architects (San Antonio) and I simply love love love the blue color and large windows :)
Kontajnerové domy. Pre niekoho to môže byť bláznivý nápad, pre iného originálne miesto na bývanie. Toto útulné a lacné majstrovské dielo je od Poteet Architects (San Antonio) a ja jednoducho milujem miluje milujem tú modrú a veľké okná :

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Personal introduction

03:45 Veronika Rajničová 0 Comments

Hi there guys! In this cathegory I  am going to put everything what deals with my personal life and is worth mentioning. 
Firstly, I am going to tell you something about me. 

1) My real name is Veronika, but my nick name is Nika. Name of the brand Paganicca constist from three words: pallette, Gabriel and Nicca. 

2) I am 20 years old and currently I am studying journalism in Slovakia. 

3) With my partner (Gabriel or simply Gabi) we are both ginger. 

4) I have one other blog ( in slovak language. 

5) I am keen on wooden houses, passive houses and healthy, active lifestyle. 

6) I am addicted to green tea. One cup is a part of my daily routine many years. 

7) Someone might say I am hyperactive, but I just really hate doing nothing for more than one hour.

So that´s it for the beginnig :-) Hopefully you enjoy my blog and come back again! 

Csu csu! 

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